First Winter CSA Week 2014-2015 Oct 28, 2014

The weather this fall has been beautiful for growing! Warm days cool nights and a bit of rain are making all our fall crops very happy. We hope you enjoy the two weeks worth of veggies in your share today

!winter csa share

In your Share Today:





Bok Choi

Lettuce – choice between head lettuce and baby lettuce

Purple Globe Turnips

Wholes & Halves:

Winter Squash – choice between acorn, delicate, and carnival (grown conventially by Amish in Rich Hill, MO)



Wholes Only:

Chinese Cabbage – Napa type



Halves Only:

Bell Peppers

We still have winter CSA shares available – tell your friends!

This week is the last week of Pizza night! Make sure to make your reservations soon!

Recipe: Roasted Carrots, Turnips and Leeks of a bed of Greens

Peel one clove of garlic and mash (or mince) with 1 t. sesame seeds, 1 t. cumin seeds, a dash of red chile flakes, 1/2 t. salt, and 1/4 t. black pepper to make a paste.  Add 1 T. red wine vinegar and 1 T. sesame oil and mix well.

Trim 1 bunch of carrots and scrub.  If they are thicker than your thumb, slice in half lengthwise.  Cut the tops off 1 bunch of turnips, then rinse the roots and cut in half.  Reserve the greens. Cut the leaves off 1 Leek and then cut down into the shank to clean it.  Cut into quarters lengthwise.

Toss the carrots, turnips, and leeks with the spice paste.  Place in a baking dish and roast until the carrots are tender and brown, about 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, wash Bok Choi, Turnip greens, and spinach (or other cooking greens like Kale, Arugula, Mizuna, Mustard, etc) to make 6 C.  Cut the larger Bok Choy leaves in half  from top to bottom.

Heat 1 T. olive oil in a wok until very hot.  Add the bok choi and stir fry for 3 minutes, then add the other greens. Turn off the heat but keep stir-frying until the turnips and spinach are tender.  Season with salt.

When the carrot mixture is done, place the vegetables on the bed of greens.  Deglaze the roasting pan with the juice of one lemon, then drizzle this over the veggies.

Recipe source:

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1 Response to First Winter CSA Week 2014-2015 Oct 28, 2014

  1. farmercurtis says:

    that’s hilarious. But be careful, he looks like a seedy character…

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